$220 - Rideshare/delivery Driver Ambassador ($220 per month + $20 per Referral)

4 years ago

I’m cofounder of mobilads - we're paying rideshare and delivery drivers $220 to partially wrap their car until Oct 22. We have 20 spots open and we’ll be wrapping cars 9/14 - 9/15. We’re located at 415 14th St, Carlstadt, NJ 07072 and the wrap only takes 10-15 minutes. IF INTERESTED PLEASE SIGN UP HERE: https://draftkings.mobilads.co/signup-nj If you know other drivers in the area, you can share the link and tell drivers to use your full name in the “Who referred you?” question so that we pay you for the referral ($20 per driver). *WE DO NOT PAY WITH CHECK* We will pay $110 at the time you wrap your car and $110 at the end of the campaign direct deposit to your bank account.