$450 - 2013 Chevrolet Tahoe for rent! Great deal!Great condition! Uber ready

6 years ago

I'm renting my 2013 Uber and Juno ready Chevrolet Tahoe for $450 weekly. The start date is Monday, May 14. The deposit is $500(which would be returned upon inspection of the vehicle after it's been returned). This is a great vehicle for Uber as it's good for all Uber categories(UberX, XL, Black and SUV) and you can make really great money. The first renting term would be until July 22(unless you decide you want to stop earlier), but it could also be extended if you are interested. Send me a text at (917)861-7875 or (757)619-7585 or an email if you'd like to see the car and talk more.